Getting Ready to Run - Survey
Thank you for your interest in attending our Getting Ready to Run training! Attending a Wisconsin Progress training or event means you are joining a community of progressive champions working on behalf of families across the state. We expect that as a progressive champion, you will stand strong on the issues important to this progressive community.
We believe in a Wisconsin where:
Wisconsin's workers are respected, valued, and paid a family sustaining wage.
Our LGBT citizens share the same rights, responsibilities, and protections as everyone else.
Every citizen is allowed to make the health care decisions that are right for their families and for themselves.
Every child is afforded a free, quality public education.
Our natural resources and our public health are protected and our clean air and water are maintained for future generations.
The state does all it can to eliminate the racial disparities in our education and criminal justice systems.
Our judicial system is fair and balanced and protects our citizens and consumers, not just big corporations.
Filling out this survey means that you are ready to fight for these values. If you agree, we will see you this summer!
*** Questions are meant to be thought provoking, not binding. There are no right or wrong answers, just write what you're thinking!